
How do I place an order for shutters?
Complete a measure request sheet and fax it to our office. You will find several copies in your Design Shutters folder. Once we receive the measure request, we will contact you or the homeowner to schedule an appointment to measure.

What happens after the measure is complete?
You will be faxed a contract, which will include window sizes, louver size, paint information, prices, deposit amount and any specific requests. Please review the contract very carefuly, sign it and remit back to our office.

When does the order go into production?
After we receive the deposit, signed contract and paint information, production will begin. Please note, we will not start an order without all of the above information. This allows us to complete contracts in the most efficient manner utilizing ``lean production`` technology.

What is the delivery time?
Design Shutters are delivered the fastest in the industry. The lead time can be as short as two weeks or as long as six weeks depending on the season and or shutter configuration. Please contact your local branch for up to date lead times.
Customer Service
What happens after the shutters are manufactured?
After the shutters are manufactured, we will call you or the homeowner to schedule an installation. On the day of installation, our installer will arrive at the home in a van with Design Shutters printed on the side. Prior to installation, please have the homeowner remove any window coverings and move any furniture away from the windows.
Product Samples

Will you show my customer samples?
Yes. When we do the measure, we can show your customer louver sizes, framing, hardware and sample panels. You and your customer are always welcome in our showroom.
What size louver should be used?

What size louver should be used?
This is a homeowner's personal preference. Generally, the wider louvers will let more light come into a room.